Mat Pilates promises to lengthen and strengthen the core muscles of the abdominals, hips, back, and glutes without stress on the joints.
Senior Medical ID Cards with the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office
The Sheriff’s Office Medical ID Cards assist anyone 18 years and older or those with medical needs to keep all required medical information available on a small card with them at all times in case of emergency.
Shed the Meds is a way for residents to get rid of unwanted or expired medications to keep them out of our groundwater and away from children. All medications will be incinerated so they can be brought to the event in their original pack
Meet at the library for a friendly game of chess with fellow chess enthusiasts. We have six chess sets available, but attendees are welcome to bring their own. If you wish to use a chess clock you must bring your own.
GradesK-6. Chess pieces come to life through creative personalities. Children will learn pieces and rules through engaging lessons and comic book characters. Classes are a combination of chess lessons and pl
Relax, stretch, and strengthen in this playful, fun yoga class with Andrea. All levels or experiences are welcome!
Play Yourself as you escape and discover secrets about the Hampton Bays Butcher.
Photo Disclaimer
PLEASE NOTE: Attendance at library programs or public spaces constitutes consent to be photographed or video recorded for use in library publicity. If you DO NOT want us to capture a photo or video of you or your child, please tell the library staff member coordinating the event PRIOR to the program.